The World Map Project

The World Map Project is a Peace Corps project done all over the world by volunteers. The idea is to work with youth and community members to paint a world map mural to teach about geography, but it's also just a great way to get to know people and have something tangible people can be proud of.

In my case, it was a horribly sticky, frustrating mess that, I'll admit, was actually a lot of fun.

Here are some photos:

We started by painting a base coat outside of our classroom in the high school.

We made a grid.
Robyn: Be sure, you go slow girls ... you don't want to make mistakes.
(5 minutes later)
Robyn: Girls ... seriously, you should take it slow.
(5 minutes later)
Robyn: Umm ... How did we manage to have 28 lines on the left side and 29 on the right?

We drew the continents. (We had to, umm, re-draw Africa three times.)

We painted the countries. (Note: Acrylic paint is sticky)

And ta-da! The world.


Anonymous said...

I can't see Bahrain! I hope it's there :)

Unknown said...

Hi Robyn!
I'm Barbara Jo White, creator of the World Map Project in 1988. What a great map you have! I wonder if your paint was sticky because it was oil based? In the DR, we always used acrylic (sic!) house paint which dried in seconds!

Take care and keep up the good work

I posted some pics and the manual up on a new website:

I'm also on twitter