
In Peace Corps, they tell you that there's no such thing as a solid routine.

Sometimes you're cramming a week's worth of work in a weekend. Sometimes you're left to your own devices. And when you're host mom kicks you out of the wash bin, complaining that you're not washing your clothes right, you usually find yourself with a book in hand.

Granted, I haven't read THAT many books since becoming a PCV. While other volunteers average a book a week, I've probably read a book a month.

But that was, of course, until I started reading Twilight.

I blame my friend Diane. She was the one who told me to read it before I left.

"I know they're for a younger crowd, but you'll love them," she said.

We have similar tastes in books. I trusted her.

It took me eight months to pick up my copy of the first Twilight book. And now, three days later, I am anxiously pacing, sleep-deprived, among the roosters, wondering how I could possibly get a copy of the 4th book — the only one I couldn't bring with me — in English, in Peru.

They´re so awful and so amazing all at the same time. Thank God Stephenie Meyer stopped at four.

1 comment:

Shadiddy said...

My sister just recently obsessed her way through all four books in a week...she convinced me to buy the first...I just started this morning (I'm hoping not to become one of these friend/society shunning Twilight addicts by days end!)

Oh, and hi, you surely don't know, but I'm a PC aspirant (nominated for Latin America Feb 2010!)who LOVES your blog!

Best of luck with evvvverrryything!