Pasa La Voz

Twice a year, Peace Corps Peru puts out a volunteer magazine called Pasa La Voz*. Though not technically the official PC-Peru publication, PLV is a compilation of articles, creative works and commentaries by volunteers, and put together by three PCV** editors. It also includes a special section devoted to profiles of PCVs completing their service.

This next issue is set to hit volunteer mailboxes around Peru soon, and focuses on the GEOGRAPHIC adventure on a NATIONAL level *cough* among volunteers here in Peru.

Special insert, El Ají (a copycat of The Onion), is back and hotter than ever. One volunteer explains the significance of photography in site while others question what the future will bring to Peru's campesinos and if hiking really is the sport of fools and masochists. A case is made for going where the wild things are in the Peruvian Amazon. Miracles of meditation are revealed. And I debate the merits of Twitter.

Amidst the passion, excitement, thrill and intrigue, there's nostalgia and analysis with, at times, a touch of lunacy. This Pasa La Voz promises page-turning fun that you can't put down.

"I'd recommend this issue to all my fellow volunteers in Peru," wrote one reviewer. "The personal account of one volunteer's resolution to embrace, rather than exterminate, the rodents and insects in her bedroom was truly inspiring."

"This is one of the best reads I've had all year!" raved another. "Anybody with any personal interest in the whacky world of PC Peru (and significant amounts of inside knowledge) will love this issue."

Others could not even speak for fear of shedding joyful tears beckoned by the photocopied pages.

Pasa La Voz. In Serpost mailboxes everywhere in 3-4 weeks.

Pasa La Voz means Spread the Word
**Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV)

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