What's Next?- Updated

A bit of a bummer note: My mass communications class was canceled due to lack of kids.

I guess "lack of kids" makes it sounds like there were some kids, just not enough to make a full class. That's misleading. There wasn't a single kid. Not one.

Last year, my teens were begging me to do more radio spots or skits. I thought summer would be a great time to do that, as the kids wouldn't be all that busy. So, I planned this class, told teens, slipped a fiver to the loudspeaker guy and talked the course up to anyone who breathed near me.

But it's summer. And I guess it's not what the teens really wanted to do during their break. To be honest, when I was a kid, I didn't want to spend my summers in a classroom either. You can't blame them really. Why study when you can run around with your friends and go swimming in the river?

I'll admit, I'm a little disappointed. I was really looking forward to teaching the class. But I can't make people participate. So ... I guess I'll do something else. I'll just use my extra free time to think of the next cool idea.

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